Welcome to the websites of company SHIPSHAPE Ltd. (hereinafter: Shipshape). Before accessing and using Shipshape websites, please read these website Terms of Use carefully which govern your access to and/or use of Shipshape websites in a below-described manner. By accessing and browsing Shipshape websites, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms of Use of Shipshape websites. Shipshape websites were made in good faith, exclusively with the aim of providing information about Shipshape and services provided by Shipshape. Shipshape makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of the information contained on these websites or any other website, including third-party websites referred to by these websites. Please note that these Terms of Use do not apply to the provision of Shipshape services and/or delivery of our products being advertised and which can be ordered via Shipshape websites. The provisions of the agreement entered into separately with each individual user and possible general terms and conditions of service provision, i.e. product delivery, which may be effective from time to time, shall apply to the provision of Shipshape services and purchase of goods respectively.


1. Manner of use

Documents, data and information disclosed on Shipshape websites available at the following address: www.shipshape-solutions.com may not be reproduced, distributed or in any way used for commercial purposes without the express consent of Shipshape or in any other way that may cause damage to Shipshape or any other third party. Documents, data and information disclosed on Shipshape websites may be used only for the user’s personal purposes, at the same time adhering to all copyright and ownership rights and rights of any third party. When accessing Shipshape websites, you make a commitment to refrain from any interfering with and disturbing the work and altering the content of Shipshape websites. You specifically undertake to refrain from committing any act which may be subsumed under the statutory definition of any criminal offense described in the applicable laws and acts which may serve as a basis for civil liability for damage and to refrain from false representation as another person or in any way mislead both Shipshape and other visitors and/or users of Shipshape websites. You agree not to endanger the privacy of other users/visitors of Shipshape websites and that you shall not collect and use their personal information or post private data about third parties.

By using the Shipshape website content, the user assumes (i) all risks arising out of the use of Shipshape websites and accepts (ii) to use the Shipshape website content solely for personal purposes and at its own risk. To the extent permitted by the law applicable to Shipshape, Shipshape disclaims any and all liability (i) which may in any way arise out of or is in any way related to the use of Shipshape websites, (ii) for any acts of users by using or abusing the Shipshape website content, and for (iii) any damage which may be inflicted on the user or any third party in connection with or related to the use or abuse of the Shipshape website content.

Shipshape websites contain both data and links to other Internet sites created by third persons which shall be marked as such whenever possible. Shipshape has no control over the mentioned data or other Internet sites at all and disclaims any and all liability, including but not limited to the accuracy, completeness and availability of the content on Internet sites created by third parties.


2. Provisions on data collection by using the so-called cookies

Shipshape websites use so-called cookies to provide a user with enhanced functionalities and high-quality content. Cookies represent data set generated by a web server and stored by a web browser on the user’s disc in the form of a small text file.

More details about cookies and how the users can manage the cookies are available in our Cookie Policy.


3. Processing and protection of personal information

Shipshape processes personal information of its users and applies organizational and technical measures for the protection of personal information in accordance with the applicable laws regulating the protection of personal information. More information on processing personal information are available in Shipshape Privacy Notice.

Please note that Shipshape websites may contain links to third-party websites. By using these links, you are leaving Shipshape sites and you are no longer within the domain of personal information protection provided herein by Shipshape.

Should you have any questions as regards Shipshape procedures related to data protection, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@shipshape-solution.com.


4. Amendments

Shipshape reserves the right to modify the content of these websites and will not be liable for any possible consequences arising out of such modifications.

Shipshape is authorized to change or amend these Terms of Use or replace them with the new ones, at any time without prior notice. All amendments to these Terms of Use shall be published on Shipshape websites and the user accepts them by solely accessing the websites or using the website content after the disclosure of amendments. The user is familiarized with the fact that when accessing the websites or using certain website content, it makes a commitment to check the then valid website terms of use.


5. Governing law

Terms of Use of Shipshape websites shall be governed by the applicable laws of the Republic of Croatia.